Welcome to Gretna Public Schools.

Our enrollment process begins online with your application being submitted. Follow the steps to the right to create a User ID/Password or use the one you have already created. Save this User Id/Password to use again to sign in to check the status of your application or to print documents. After your application is submitted, it is then reviewed during business hours and upon approval, you will receive an email that directs you to contact your school to set up a time to bring in the necessary enrollment documents.

Check to see if you reside within the Gretna School District Boundary at this link: https://www.gpsne.org/page/map-boundaries You may double check your resident address with the Superintendent’s Office by contacting Jean Anderson at 402-332-3265 or janderson@gpsne.org.

Enter your User ID and Password to sign in.


To use online enrollment fully you will need to make an account for yourself:
1.Click the button below and fill out the form.
2.Use the same username and password to log in next time.
Forgot your User ID or password?
1.Click the button below and fill out the form.

Copyright © 2015 Educational Service Unit #3. All rights reserved.

PLEASE NOTE: The enrollment.nebsis.org site will be down every Tuesday at 4:00 pm for 15-30 minutes for maintenance updates.